πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Hi there, I’m Camelia!

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» I’m a PhD Candidate in Computer Science working with Remco Chang in the Visual Analytics Lab @ Tufts University (VALT).

πŸ“ In my research, I am challenging conventional paradigms in visualization design that tend to focus on specialized solutions tailored to individual users’ data and tasks within specific domains. My domains of interest are Decision-Making and Healthcare.

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ“ I graduated with a B.S. in Theoretical Mathematics from the University of Maryland in College Park, where I performed research within the Graphics and Visual Informatics Laboratory (GVIL). There, I was advised by Amitabh Varshney.

πŸ€“ Both before and after starting my PhD, I worked for Tableau Research/Salesforce (Research Scientist Intern), Alife Health (Data Science Contractor), and Bose Corporation (Software Engineering Intern), and I collaborated with professors, research scientists and program managers at the National Revenewable Energy Laboratory, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Harvard University, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

🌺 Outside academia, I enjoy picking up new hobbies, indulging in Art, Sports, and Reading.


πŸ“ 04-16-24 Our paper, A Typology of Decision-Making Tasks for Visualization is now available on ArXiV!

πŸ“ 04-10-24 Our paper, DimBridge: Interactive Explanation of Visual Patterns in Dimensionality Reductions with Predicate Logic is now available on ArXiV!

πŸ“ 03-28-24 The report I helped putting together for the Dagstuhl seminar is now available on the seminar’s website!

πŸŽ† 06-06-23 Our paper, Knowledge Graphs in Practice: Characterizing their Users, Challenges, and Visualization Opportunities got accepted to IEEE Vis’23!

πŸ† 09-11-23 I had the opportunity to be invited and participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar β€œHuman-Centered Approaches for Provenance in Automated Data Science” where I learned from and connected with Visualization and AutoML experts from a variety of universities and industries.